Joy - Advent Devotional Bible Study

Joy - Advent Devotional PDF:
25 daily readings for Advent.
Prepare your heart for Christmas with these Advent devotionals that you can download and print. They are in a PDF format which means that you can read, pray and answer the questions in the prayer journal on your phone or another digital device.
All you need is a notes app such as Books, Samsung notes, or the inexpensive app, GoodNotes (super easy to use!)
Advent Joy Devotional
Our study weaves through the Old and New Testaments of the Bible discovering prophecies of a promised Messiah and teaching us lessons about Jesus becoming our Redeemer.
You will learn:
1. The Promise of the Messiah
How the Old Testament of the Bible gave promises of a future Messiah.
2. Christ is coming
Mary will teach you about sacrificing your reputation to do God's will and how God chooses to work through people that have a heart passionate for Him.
You will be invited to consider what 'impossible' tasks is God asking you to do.
3. Christ is here
Have you ever considered that God caused Ceaser to take a census at just the right time when Mary was 9 months pregnant to get them to Bethlehem for Bible prophecy to unfold?
You will also learn how God chose the lowly shepherds to proclaim the news that our savior was born and that shows us that we too can never be too insignificant for God to love.
The Wisemen have lessons to teach us too!
4. Christ Our Redeemer
We will discover 'Why' Jesus had to humble Himself and come to earth as our redeemer.

Advent Bible Reading Plan & Prayer Journal

Devote 15 minutes per day to this study and you will be joyful in the weeks leading up to Christmas because you will have prioritized what's truly important during the Christmas season.
Follow the daily Advent reading plan and use the day and evening journal to record your answers to the guided questions and write your prayers.
This works really well on a digital device or print any of the pages you require.
You could also use a notebook to record your thoughts. Try and make time to answer the questions in his devotional study. It will be wonderful to look back at them next year!
An Easy Actionable Plan For Each Day
Guided Prayer Prompts to guide you into a deeper relationship with God.
Read and answer questions digitally on your digital device in a Free notes app or in the inexpensive GoodNotes app.

Print Out Pages and add to a binder.
Or write Your thoughts and prayers in the printable workbook.
Here's How It Works - Choose Your Package
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Print out the pages or read them digitally through your notes app.
I use the GoodNotes app
Choose to study the names of God at your own pace. There are 30 names of God. Study them 5 or 7 days a week.
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