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Writer's pictureKaren O'Reilly

30 Words Of The Year Ideas

Updated: Jul 12

Have you heard of the trend about choosing a word to focus on during the year instead of making a New Year's Resolution ?

The Word Of The Year is the 'new', New Years's Resolution !

How did I not know about this new trend ? I have only, in the last few months discovered this concept and it has already

made a massive difference in my life !

One little word [ or two !] can be a powerful thing. Our words matter. What you speak out loud can build a person up

or bring them down. With every thought and word that you speak or think , brings life or death to your soul.

It sets the tone for your day, your week, your work and even your family and home life.

Proverbs 18:21 ESV says it this way :

Death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it, will eat it's fruit.

Another precious verse that reminds us of the power we have in our words, mixed in with a massive dose of FAITH

is Mark 11:22-24 ESV :

And Jesus answered them '' Have faith in God. Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be taken up and thrown into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, what ever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours.

The idea behind choosing a word for the year is rather than making promises that you can't keep when you make a New Year's Resolution [ o.k I'm not very good at keeping them !], instead you choose a word that gives you something uplifting to focus on, a word that will guide you transform you, inspire and challenge you in the year ahead.

6 Tips For Choosing A Word For The Year :

1. Find a quiet place, alone, to spend time with God and pray. During your prayer time, don't be afraid to be still in His presence and listen for quiet words whispered across your heart. God promises us that if we draw close to Him, He will draw close to us.

James 4:8 ESV

Draw near to God and he will draw near to you......

How does God speak to us ? Here are some examples :

  1. a strong peaceful impression [ as long as it is agreeable with scripture !]

  2. a small quiet whisper of the Holy Spirit directly into your heart.

  3. when you sit and read scripture, sometimes verses jump out at you and catch your attention- keep a note of these and watch for a pattern.

  4. We all have busy, demanding lives. So your quiet place to pray may be different to mine and others. Sometimes I ' walk and talk' in the beautiful grounds near where I live or while stuck in traffic, I use that time to pray !

2. Be specific with God and ask Him to show you what His plans are for you this next year.

* WARNING * This can have life changing consequences on your life !!

I did this last year and I now realize 'my word' for 2018 must have been 'SCRIPTURAL GRACE'! You can read all about that HERE.

I kept hearing this word been whispered across my heart and then I would read different scriptures, and they would leap off the page. Guess what ?? They were all about GRACE !

3. Give yourself grace and time to hear from God about your own word for the year. This word will encourage you to keep going and growing into the person God has created you to be. It doesn't matter what time of the year that you are reading this . Just prayerfully choose your own specific word! Some people choose a different word every month.

4. Be expectant and listen for the still small voice of God.

5.When you have chosen your word for 2019, look up the definition and see does it resonate within you.

6. Take the Day Spring Quiz. It is a great little tool, to help you get brain storming on your own unique word for this year.

Take the quiz HERE.

To help you choose your word for the year, I have prepared a list of 30 words and written a little eBook that you can have completely FREE ! Have you found the Resource Library yet on Scriptural Grace ? It is full of free goodies that complement the products that you will find in our shop. It is password protected, a special place for subscribers to Scriptural Grace. When you subscribe to Scriptural Grace you get instant access to our library and 1-2 times a week you will receive an email updating you on current discount codes, new blog posts and new items in the resource library.

Are you ready to choose your word for the year ?

There are some awesome monogram products that I have designed to help you remember and soak in your chosen word for this year. You will find planners, bags, phone cases, magnets, posters , postcards, key chains, notebooks and mugs. Come check out the shop HERE.

Are you ready to get your Free eBook ?

Click HERE

Its all about grace ! xx Karen

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