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Writer's pictureKaren O'Reilly

Devotional: When I Am Weak, He Is Strong | 2 Corinthians 12:8-9.

Welcome to Day 23. for one of our short powerful devotions from the 30 Bible Verses About God's Amazing Grace, bible reading plan. This short devotional is based on 2 Corinthians 12:8-9.

Read 2 Corinthians 12:8-9.

History of Paul The Apostle

Paul the Apostle is the author of these bible verses. I just absolutely love the story of Paul. He reflects so much of God's grace. Do you know the story of how Paul came to be an apostle?

Saul of Tarsus was called to become Paul the apostle to the Gentiles. He has written much of our New Testament scriptures. When he first heard of Jesus and His disciples, Saul was a very proud and devoted Jew. He would not tolerate Jesus and the Christian believers because he believed them to be blasphemy against God. However, God showed amazing grace toward Saul on the Damascus road and you will read in Acts 9:1-19 how through the power of Christ, a man who had been a hate-filled villain became a love-filled hero. By submitting himself completely to Jesus, Paul was able to spread the gospel throughout the world.

After Paul's conversion, he unselfishly spread the gospel to the best of his ability while suffering from some sort of weakness to the known world. We are told that he was entrusted with many mysteries, which had been hidden from ages and generations. However, not only was he commissioned to open many of these revelations to the Church but at one point, prior to His missionary journeys, he was raptured into heaven, and shown unspeakable things, which he was not permitted to share. Source:

Such grace! God revealed many secrets to a man who turned and repented from being a hate-filled villain to a passionate hero for Jesus!

Join me below as we discover how we can learn from Paul and claim like him about God that, " When I am weak He is strong!"

P.S Make sure to join me in prayer at the bottom of the post.

When I Am Weak He Is Strong: Devotional

As we unpack the meaning of 2 Corinthians 12:8-10, keep in mind that Paul is a prayerful man and knew much about spending time in God's presence. In fact, Paul tells us at the beginning of 2 Corinthians 12 that he had been caught up to the third heaven and God revealed to him deep truths that he was not allowed to speak of.

Can you imagine knowing God so well that you could be caught up to the third heaven?

When I Am Weak, He Is Strong

So what does it mean, when I am weak, He is strong?

We don't know what Paul's thorn was. What we do know is that he pleaded with God three times to take it away but God did not take it away. Instead, God gave Paul the grace to continue in ministry and to do the work that God had commissioned him to do. This enabled God's glory to shine through the work that Paul did. God was able to supply His perfect strength to balance the weakness that Paul suffered from.

What an amazing example Paul is for us! When Paul was weak, God stepped in to supply His strength.

When we are weak, God is strong.

We are all like Paul. We all have weaknesses. The lesson that we can learn from 2 Corinthians 12:8-10, is to recognize our weakness and ask God to supply His strength for whatever task lies before us. God's grace is sufficient for you.

Sometimes God will remove the painful thorn, but at other times He doesn't. But take courage from our scripture verses today. God has promised us in Romans 8:28,

God has a good plan for your life and if you trust in the Lord and have been saved by grace through faith, God gives you the same promise that He gave Paul.

"'My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is perfected in weakness.." 2 Corinthians 12:8.

One of my favorite authors, Jennifer Kennedy Dean wrote a fun imaginary conversation between God and Paul about his thorn in the flesh in a devotional book called 'Praying The Promises Of God'.

This is what she wrote:

Let's imagine a conversation between God and Paul.

God: " Paul, why do you want the thorn in your flesh removed?"

Paul: "So, I can carry out the ministry you have given me."

God: "Why do you want to carry out the ministry I have given you?"

Paul: " So I can spread the good news of Jesus the Messiah."

God: " Why do you want to spread the good news?"

Paul: "So that everyone will see that Your grace is sufficient."

God: " That will require a thorn in your flesh."

As you surrender everything that concerns you to God, expect Him to supply His strength because that is the exact promise that He has given to you in 2 Corinthians 12:8-10. When you are weak then He is strong.

Use the free guided prayer journal that you will find in the Resource Library or grab a notebook and use the following questions to enable you to unpack what God is saying to you through 2 Corinthians 12:8-10 today.

Today's devotional is based on 2 Corinthians 12:8-10 which is from our 30 Bible Verses About God's Amazing Grace, bible reading plan. You will find a free printable PDF of 30 scriptures about God's grace in the Resource Library. It has the bible reading plan, guided prayer, and gratitude journal. Download this free printable or grab a notebook.

What is God saying to you through this verse?

What burdens do you need to surrender to God and trust Him with?

Write out your prayer request.

What are you grateful for today? Count your blessings!

Write out the scripture verse, it helps you to memorize the scripture and store up God's truth in your heart. Then in the last section of the prayer journal, there is space to record what God is speaking to you through our grace bible verse for today, 2 Corinthians 12:8-10.

Scripture Prayer 2 Corinthians 12:8-10

We are called to pray without ceasing. That means we can talk with God at any time and in any place. You can chat with God throughout the day! Praying scripture is a powerful way to pray so join me in praying

2 Corinthians 12:8-10.

Thank You Father for Your amazing grace and goodness to me. Help me to remember that when I acknowledge You and ask for Your help, You can cover my weakness with Your strength. Your grace is sufficient for me because in my weakness You are strong. Amen.

Related Resources:

1. You will find 30 Bible Verses About God's Amazing Grace (Free Bible Plan And Prayer Journal)HERE It will have the list of 30 Bible verses that we are using for 30 days that our short powerful daily devotionals are based on.

printable women's bible lessons

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xx Karen.

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