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Writer's pictureKaren O'Reilly

On The Road To Emmaus - Bible Lesson For Kids.

Updated: Jun 26, 2023

On the road to Emmaus Bibles lesson for kids with free printable.

Are you ready for another Bible lesson? Today we are looking at an exciting walk that two of Jesus' disciples were taking on the road to Emmaus. This happened during the evening on Easter Sunday - the same day that Mary Magdalene and her friends found the tomb empty!

After Jesus rose from the dead, He appeared to people. This story is about one of those special visits.

You can read the story in a children's Bible or you will find it in Luke 24:13-35. If you don't have a bible, you can read it in different translations at

I have also written the story, suitable for you to read to your children below.

On The Road To Emmaus.

Two of Jesus' disciples were walking to the village of Emmaus during the evening of Easter Sunday. As they walked, they talked about all the things that had just happened in Jerusalem.

Suddenly Jesus was there, walking beside them. But, guess what?! The disciples did not recognize Him because God kept them from knowing who Jesus was. They thought He was a stranger. The men were very sad and Jesus asked them, "Why are you so sad?".

Cleopas answered, " Are you the only stranger who has not heard about all the things that have been happening in Jerusalem?"

" What things?" Jesus asked.

" The things that happened to Jesus of Nazareth", they replied. " He was a great teacher who did wonderful miracles. We believed He was sent by God to save our people. But the chief priests and Roman rulers said that He broke the laws and must die. They nailed Him to a cross last Friday and now He is dead. These things happened three days ago. Then some women went to Jesus tomb, today. They found that His body was missing and angels told them that He had risen from the dead!"

The stranger told them that the prophets had said this would happen and explained it to them. At last, they reached Emmaus, late in the evening. The two disciples invited the stranger to have supper with them.

When they sat down to eat, the stranger picked up a small loaf of bread, asked God to bless it, broke it into pieces, and gave it to the two men. Suddenly the men realized that this stranger was actually Jesus! Their eyes were opened. They stared at Jesus and then He was gone! The two disciples said to each other, " Didn't we feel warm inside as He talked with us?"

The two men got very excited and left the table in a hurry. They ran all the way back to Jerusalem, to tell the other disciples that they had just seen Jesus.

They found the other disciples and told them that they had seen Jesus, that He is alive! At first, the disciples did not believe them but one of them said that it must be true because Peter had seen Him too!

I have prepared a few activities for your children to do. You will find them in the Kid's Zone

You will find a fun craft HERE and Sarah has a fun science experiment that all the family can have fun with. What do you get when you mix baking soda, vinegar and food coloring together?- A fizzy surprise!! You can see it HERE.

Here are some questions that you could ask your children, to see how well they remember the story!:

  1. Where were the two disciples walking?

  2. Who joined them on their walk?

  3. What did they tell the stranger (Jesus)?

  4. What did Jesus tell them?

  5. When did the two disciples recognize Jesus?

So what can we learn from this story?

Sometimes things happen to us that we can't understand or we find out the answer later on. But we do know that God loves us and He has given us a promise that He will always work things out for the good of those who love Him ( Romans 8:28) and my all-time favorite verse, reminds us that"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, " plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."

I hope this lesson is a blessing to you and your family!

Let's say a prayer before we finish this lesson:

Dear God, thank you for sending Jesus to die for me on the cross. Thank you that Jesus is alive today!. Open my eyes and help me to understand who Jesus is and how much He loves me.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

You can read previous related lessons here:

Palm Sunday - Read it HERE.

The Easter Story Here.

Doubting Thomas HERE

We have scripture reading plans for adults too! We are looking at Psalm 91 and other comforting Bible verses to battle fear until the end of April. You can read it HERE.

Don't forget to share this post with other families on Facebook or Pinterest!

See you next week!

xx Karen.

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