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Writer's pictureKaren O'Reilly

Praying Philippians 1:9-11

Updated: Jul 12

Have you ever prayed scripture over friends or family? It is a powerful way to pray!

I created this free scripture printable for a friend that asked me if I could create a printable of Philippians 1:9-11, so that she could use it to pray over her children. I thought you might enjoy using it too during your own devotional time. You will find it in the Free Resource Library HERE but read this post first!

These are beautiful, rich scriptures to pray!

The apostle Paul wrote this prayer in the Book of Philippians. He wanted the Philippians to have a deeper love for God so that they would be able to withstand the hardships and dangers as they lived their lives for Christ.

The Philippians already loved God, but Paul prayed that their love would grow deeper and grow in abundance, that it would show a great increase.

Praying verse 9 :

".. that your love may abound more and more with knowledge and discernment."

Did you know that the Greek word for ' knowledge ' means knowledge gained from personal experience, as contrasted to intuitive knowledge ?

And the Greek word for ' discernment ' means, the ability to apply that knowledge gained in personal experience to the practical details of living.

So when you pray this verse, like Paul had prayed for the Philippians , you are praying that your loved ones will have a passion to know more about God and to have a deeper experience of love for God.

Praying verse 10 :

" that you may approve what is excellent and be pure and blameless for the Day of Christ....."

The Greek word for 'approve ' means to put something to the test with a view to approving it.

The Greek word for ' excellent ' means ' things that differ ', things that pull in opposite directions.

So when you pray this verse, you are asking God to enable your friend, family member or child to make good, wise decisions even when they are presented with difficult choices or which direction or path to take. Also you are praying for them to remain blameless and pure while making all these decisions !

Praying verse 11:

".......that you may be filled with the fruit of righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ to the glory and praise of God."

The desire of God for each of us is that we may produce fruit in our lives that it will bring glory to Him. So when you pray verse 11, you are praying for your loved one's speech and actions to glorify God, that they will lead holy and blameless lives.

Free scripture printable on Philippians 1:9-11 #christianprintablr,#scripture, #bibleverse

There are two versions of this Philippians 1:9-11 printable. One is filled with bright colors and the other one is a black and white version. I have also included these verses in a note sized card that you can cut out yourself. You could use these cards as bookmarks in your Bible,put them in your planner or prayer notebook. They would also make a sweet little gift, placed in a card to a friend.

Praying scripture is my favorite way to pray. It is powerful, especially when you have a desire to pray for friends and family but you don't have the words to pray. You receive an unexpected bonus when you pray scripture........ it nourishes, strengthens and encourages your own soul too!

So, would you like to use this free printable during your prayer time? You can download the free version HERE in our Resource Library. If you don't have a printer, you can purchase it in various sizes from our Zazzle shop in the wall art section, under the category called Home and Gifts. Shop Scriptural Grace HERE

I hope you enjoy this post as much as I did creating it!

I want to get to know you more. So come on over to my Facebook page. You will find posts to encourage you as you grow in your walk with Jesus.

It's all about His grace !

xx Karen.


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