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Writer's pictureKaren O'Reilly

Don't Worry - God's Got This -Evil Shall Not Prevail |Psalm 21:11

Welcome to Day 25 for a short powerful devotion from our 30 Psalms For Anxiety, Fear, Worry, And Depression bible plan. This short devotional is from Psalm 21:1, and it is the first one of six focusing on the worry portion of our Bible plan.

Make sure to join me in prayer at the bottom of this post.

Evil Shall Not Prevail

Read Psalm 21:11. (Click on the verse to read it in various translations.)

"Though they plan evil against you, though they devise mischief, they will not succeed." ESV

Psalm 21:11 provides reassurance and encouragement for us when we find ourselves weighed down by worry and anxiety. By exploring the background of this verse and delving deeper into its meaning, we can discover the timeless truths that will help us find peace and trust in God's sovereignty.

Read all of Psalm 21 and you will celebrate along with King David because God answered his call for help in battle.

King David wrote this Psalm in a time of victory, expressing gratitude to God for delivering him from his enemies. It celebrates the steadfast love and faithfulness of God in fulfilling His promises and protecting His anointed one. Despite the schemes and plots of evildoers, David recognizes that their plans will ultimately fail because of God's unwavering power and sovereignty.

Don't worry- God's got this

Worry is a common human experience. We often find ourselves anxious about various aspects of our lives - our future, relationships, health, and more. It is essential to recognize that worry can consume our thoughts, disrupt our peace, and hinder our trust in God's provision. Psalm 21:11 invites us to confront the reality of worry and seek a remedy for it.

God's Sovereignty over Evil Schemes:

Psalm 21:11 highlights the power and sovereignty of God over the wicked schemes and evil plots of our adversaries. Though enemies may devise wicked plans against us, God remains in control. He sees all and knows all. Nothing catches Him by surprise. His authority supersedes any human agenda, and He can thwart the plans of those who seek to harm us.

This truth should bring comfort and assurance to our hearts, reminding us that no matter how dire the circumstances may appear, God is ultimately in control.

Finding Peace in God's Promises:

When worry consumes us, it is vital to ground ourselves in God's promises. Just as David recognized God's faithfulness in his own life, we too can reflect on God's faithfulness throughout history and in our personal experiences. He has promised to be with us, to provide for us, and to work all things together for our good. By meditating on these promises, we can find peace and let go of our worries, knowing that God is faithful to His Word.

Surrendering Control to God

Worry often stems from our desire to maintain control over our lives and circumstances. However, the truth is that we are not in control. God is. Surrendering our worries and anxieties to Him is an act of faith and trust. We must release our grip on the things we cannot control and place them in the hands of our all-knowing and all-powerful Heavenly Father.

As we surrender control, we open ourselves up to experience His peace that surpasses all understanding.

God has got you

God has got you!

Psalm 21:11 serves as a powerful reminder that our worries and anxieties find their resolution in God's sovereignty. When we face plots and schemes designed to unsettle us, we can take refuge in the truth that God's plans will ultimately prevail. As we trust in Him, meditate on His promises, and surrender control, He will replace our worries with His peace.

Find comfort in knowing that the One who holds the universe in His hands and created it

(Elohim) is also intimately concerned with every detail of your life.

Free printable prayer journal

Use our free printable prayer journal that was specifically designed for our 30 Psalms challenge on anxiety or a notebook to put into action all that you have learned from our study of Psalm 21:11. You can download it here. Use it to go deeper as you ponder all that God will reveal to you as you spend time in His presence.

30 Psalms for anxiety, worry, fear and depression printable workbook

Bible affirmation: Remind yourself often of these biblical truths.

Don't worry - God's got this!

  1. God is sovereign over every wicked scheme and plot formed against you. Though the world may devise evil plans, they cannot succeed against the power and authority of God. You can trust in His sovereignty and rest in the assurance that He is in control.

  2. God is your protector and shield. He sees the plans of your enemies, and nothing catches Him by surprise. You can take refuge in His unwavering love and faithfulness, knowing that He will guard and deliver you from every evil plot. In His protection, you will find peace and security.

  3. God is faithful to His promises. Just as He has been faithful throughout history, He remains faithful in your life today. You can rely on His steadfast love and provision. Even in the face of adversity and opposition, choose to trust in His faithfulness, believing that He will work all things together for your good (Romans 8:28).

Scripture Prayer: Psalm 21:11.

Father, we come before You in prayer, acknowledging Your sovereignty and authority over all things. Your Word declares in Psalm 21:11, "Though they plot evil against You and devise wicked schemes, they cannot succeed." Lord, I find solace and confidence in this truth.

Thank You for being the One who sees all, knows all, and is in control of every situation. We trust in Your divine wisdom and power to navigate us through the plots and schemes that may arise against us. We surrender our worries and anxieties into Your capable hands, knowing that You are greater than any scheme formed against us.

Lord, shield us from the plans of the enemy. Surround us with Your presence. Help us to rest in the assurance that no matter how fierce the opposition may be, it will not prevail against Your mighty hand. You are working all things together for my good. Amen.

Other encouraging Bible verses Proverbs 19:21, Isaiah 54:17, and Romans 8:31. Related Resources: You will find the 30 Psalms For Anxiety, Fear, Worry, And Depression bible plan HERE It will have the list of 30 Bible verses that we are using for 30 days for our bible challenge.

Connect: Join me on Facebook and Instagram for daily encouragement. If you have enjoyed this devotional, share it with Facebook using the button below or pin the graphic above to Pinterest. Help me spread God's joy to everyone! If you would like to have more fellowship with a wonderful bunch of faith-filled women, come over to our Facebook Group, Restoring Beauty For Ashes. Karen xx.

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